Yesterday I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Fraser & Dr. Sandhu @ Juravinski. They are re-staging me at 3-b, out of the 4 stages. The 'b' means that I am symptomatic (with the pain, itching, hives). Staging means more the 1st time around as it determines the number of chemo's or radiation, etc. For me, it is simply to establish the baseline to measure my next series of scans against.
With this news in hand, we were finally able to establish a treatment plan with dates! This is the WORKING PLAN. If after any of my 1st four chemos my blood counts are too low, then everything can be delayed a week each time...
All that being said, I am so excited to have a plan!! I am now working toward something! I have goals!!
WORKING PLAN (the 'highlights', i.e .excluding dr. appt's, bloodwork, etc.):
- FEB 3: CHEMO #1 - The GP of GDP
- Feb 4 - Feb 9: Decadron (oral steroid) - The D of GDP
- FEB 10: CHEMO #2 - The P (cisplatin) only
- FEB 24: CHEMO #3 - The GP of GDP
- Feb 25 - Mar 2: Decadron (oral steroid) - The D of GDP
- MAR 3: CHEMO #4 - The P (cisplatin) only
- Week of March 9th: Repeat CT scans (maybe gallium too)
- MAR 23: Pherisis Catheter surgery (day)
- MAR 27: CHEMO #5 (new drug) - Cyclophosmophide
- Mar 27 - Apr 5: Neupogen injections daily
- Apr 6 - Apr 7: STEM CELL HARVEST
- Apr 16 - Apr 22: BEAM CHEMO daily
- APR 23: RE-BIRTHDAY! Stem Cell Infusion/Return
- Apr 27 - May ... Daily testing @ Juravinski...
- May 14: Milestone day. If I make to here after stem cell return, then chances of re-hospitalization are slim!
So, there it all is. If I stay the course then treatment is complete by the end of April and I can begin recovery. IF I need a couple extra weeks for blood counts to rise, transfusions, etc. then treatment ends mid-May and my 'safe' day is @ the end of May..recovery June onward...I am so relieved to be getting underway! My lower back pain has been increasing (new, stronger meds prescribed yesterday) and my docs tell me that even the 1st chemo session should help relieve some of that.
Onward and upward!...
Thanks to all reading for your support,