So, I called my Hematologist on Monday to get my CT results appt; they called back Tuesday morning and had an opening for 11:15am. This of course made me nervous...why were they getting me in so fast? But the results are super-positive!
Never have I been so happy as to be defined as 'unremarkable' but in the world of CT scans and lymph nodes this is a very, very good word!
Dr. Mcphaden stated that as far as CT findings would go this is about as positive a report that I could hope for and I should feel very comfortable with it. Basically all of my nodes have shrunk down to 'teeny-tiny' [note: teeny-tiny is not a medical definition :-) ]. In my paratracheal region (think along the throat) my largest node is 8mm which is well within the boundaries of normal (range is up to 1.2cm), all of my organs are completely normal in appearance, as is my lung and diaphram regions, my periaortic (upper chest where I had my 2nd biopsy in Dec.08) has a 'small residual node' of 1.2cm (and any nodes are considered normal in this area up to 1.5cm), so all is good - my Doc thinks that as this originally was a rather large mass in my chest the residual is just scar tissue, etc.
Happy, Happy - Joy, Joy. I am...relieved...and elated...to say the least.
My Doc is very agreeable about my position on monitoring in the future (I would like CT scans every now and then in addition to bloodwork and chest x-rays as my bloodwork pre-diagnosis showed nada while the scan proved growth). So, in 6 months time he will re-scan me for comparison and prior to that (yesterday, and again in 3 months) he will review bloodwork for any indicators. As of now, I am in remission.
Remission. It is a beautiful world. Ask anyone who has been told it and the loved ones who look forward to it. Remisssssssssion. Fan-bee-u-tee-ful-tastic!
So, my Doc scheduled another 3 months before re-assessment thus I see him again at the end of September; we will then again discuss my energy/lethargy progress, mental concentration, etc. and go from there. Until then I continue to regain energy in baby steps and now, without the worries of 'non-success of SCT' on my shoulders, I can breathe much easier.
I hope for you all that your spirit will feel as light as mine does today. Thank you for all of your blessings, good thoughts, support - it worked!!!
With gratitude,