Hi Everyone,
I had my latest 3 month check up on June 2nd. Yes, I realize my 2 year anniversary was on April 16th so that is only 2 mos. but my timing with scheduling appt's has been a bit off so by missing a week here, a couple of days there I have pushed the overall schedule out and this technically was my two year appointment.
Well, ...yeah me! All is well. No issues with any of the screening. Seriously good news.
It was also a difficult appointment because I had to come to terms with some permanent effects that the chemo has had on me. I knew of them a few months prior but having to verbalize them at this appointment also made them final and well, ouch, it hurt. Please, this is nothing life threatening or really what anyone would call debilitating, just part of 'my new normal'... I will come to terms with.
Moving on... in a couple days time I will run another 5k. This will be my third in nine months and I am really enjoying the feeling of completion.
I am a very pathetic track star and will never, ever win any medals for speed but the fact that I am completing them and looking forward to more and maybe a 10k in the fall if I up the training...this is also part of my new normal that, thanks to doctors and chemo and science and love and support and some good luck; it has brought to mind a poem that I wrote after my first remission. It was true then and true after my relapse and true now:
Cancer is so Limited!
It cannot take humour
It cannot devour light
It cannot grow on fear
It cannot diminish love
It cannot reduce my worth
It cannot become my obsession
It cannot make my decisions
It cannot remove my smile
It cannot hide my laugh lines
It cannot impede my soul
With gratitude,