Saturday, April 16, 2011

2 years old today!!

Hello Everyone!
Oh my Gosh.  I am in some shock.  I just came in from taking Hayden and his cousin to the movies and there was a message on the phone.  It's from my mother in law who is away wishing me a happy re-birthday!.  I am shocked because I forgot!!!  Yes, a day I would rank up there as one of my top five most momentous days in my life and two years later on its anniversary - it did not enter my mind.
I guess it is a testament to how much life has returned to normal. 
But, I am grateful for the phone call.  Reminding me what today is, that 2 years ago today I began my life again.. it is hard to put into words.  That was a time of big battles.  I am talking David and Goliath.  Me (David if you will) vs. cancer.  Carey 2 - Cancer 0.  
And so, here is to another 365 days until my next anniversary.  I will try to be more conscious of the gift I received those two years now past.  It is the perfect perspective-maker.  
Take care everyone - happiness to all,