Hello Everyone!
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Well, I have had a really great week! My last chemo was over a week and a 1/2 ago and I am feeling really good! Every afternoon I hit a bit of a mini-wall and could definitely nap and my nights are definitely earlier than even my 4 yr old but other than that it has been such an uplifting week!
Pete and I were able to take Hayden to the Ontario Science Centre 1 afternoon and on Sunday Hayden & I (Pete was working) were taxied to Brighton by my Mom and Dad to finally see my brothers new house and then to my Aunt and Uncles house for a nice family dinner.
Yesterday I had my bloodwork done and all counts are great to proceed with getting my Pherisis Catheter placed tomorrow. I am nervous but also excited because this means no more IV and blood needle pokes!!! Since every attempt to insert an IV or draw blood from me results in two or more tries before success, I have become a human pin cushion and this catheter now means all blood draws and my next round of chemo's as well as the stem cell harvest and return will all be through the pherisis - no more needles!!! I have to learn how to flush it out daily and then go weekly to the VON for dressing changes. The alternative is to have home care come daily to flush it out but then I am bound by their schedule, this way I do not have to wait for anyone.
So, catheter placement tomorrow and then the big 12 hr chemo on the 23rd (Happy Bday KRB), 10 days of neupogen and then the stem cell part which has been moved forward by 1 week. I get my stem cells harvested the 2nd and maybe if more needed on the 3rd as well - I then am admitted to hospital on April 9th and if all goes well get my cells back on the 16th.
Thanks to so many here and afar; family across the ocean in Ireland, across Canada in NB, all around me here is SW Ontario, Oakville, and of course such great friends with their encouragement - you have all made such a beautiful difference in lifting my spirits.
My best to everyone-
8 years ago