Yes, the half a head that you see above is mine. This picture is from early June so at that time it had about 2 and a half months worth of growth on it. Now being late July, I have added approximately another 1/2 cm in length and it looks a bit more filled in at the front... I am nice and fuzzy and 'salt & pepper' in hue...
THE BET: My dear Mom is an optimistic soul and she seems to think that by Haydens Birthday, which is mid-September, that I will have as much hair on my head as her - ie. enough for 'a style'. I find this very doubtful but hey, what have I got to loose? Hmmmm...now that I think about it - there is no wager riding on this bet...I'll have to think of something to make it interesting...
I am writing far less frequently as my life consists of the standard 'day-to-day' interspersed with late mornings, afternoon naps, and various rest periods - medically/health-wise there aren't any major updates on me. Some wonderful personal highlights included Kel & Steve's wedding and a visit to the Lambie cousins and I thank Mom again for her support of me through these days so I could be there and she acted as Haydens primary caregiver so I could rest when needed.
I hope the summer is treating everyone well - even if it is a bit of a damp one - there are worse things than a little rain - remember that!! :-)
My best to all -